England Hockey League - Men's - 1999-Present
Year League Champions 2021-22 Old Georgians 2020-21 Cancelled due to COVID-19 2019-20 Surbiton 2018-19 Hampstead & Westminster 2017-18 Surbiton 2016-17 Surbiton 2015-16 Wimbledon 2014-15 Wimbledon 2013-14 Beeston 2012-13 Beeston 2011-12 Reading 2010-11 Beeston 2009-10 East Grinstead 2008-09 East Grinstead Year Premier Division 2007-08 Reading 2006-07 Reading 2005-06 Cannock Year Premier 1 2004-05 Cannock Year Premier Division 2003-04 Cannock 2002-03 Reading 2001-02 Reading 2000-01 Reading 1999-00 Cannock *promoted via play-offs
Year Division One North 2021-22 University of Nottingham 2020-21 Cancelled due to COVID-19 2019-20 University of Durham 2008-09, 09-10, 10-11, 11-12, 12-13, 13-14, 14-15, 15-16, 16-17, 17-18 &18-19 N/A Year Division One 2007-08 Southgate 2006-07 Havant 2005-06 Belper Year Premier 2 2004-05 East Grinstead Year Division One 2003-04 Bristol Firebrands 2002-03 Old Loughtonians 2001-02 St Albans 2000-01 Hampstead & Westminster 1999-00 Loughborough Students -
Year Division One South 2021-22 Reading 2020-21 Cancelled due to COVID-19 2019-20 Oxted 2008-09, 09-10, 10-11, 11-12, 12-13, 13-14, 14-15, 15-16, 16-17, 17-18 &18-19 N/A Year National South Division 2007-08 University of Exeter 2006-07 Old Georgians 2005-06 Havant Year Premier 3 2004-05 Holcombe Year Division Two 2003-04 Old Georgians 2002-03 Bowdon 2001-02 Belper 2000-01 St Albans 1999-00 Hampstead & Westminster -
Year Conference North 2021-22 Belper 2020-21 Cancelled due to COVID-19 2019-20 Deeside Ramblers 2018-19 Bowdon 2017-18 University of Nottingham 2016-17 University of Durham 2015-16 Loughborough Students* 2014-15 Bowdon 2013-14 Brooklands MU* 2012-13 Sheffield Hallam* 2011-12 Brooklands MU* 2010-11 University of Durham 2009-10 Deeside Ramblers 2008-09 Brooklands MU* Year National North Division 2007-08 University of Birmingham 2006-07 Sheffield University Bankers 2005-06 Brooklands MU 1999-00, 00-01, 01-02, 02-03, 03-04, 04-05 N/A -
Year Conference East 2021-22 Old Loughtonians 2020-21 Cancelled due to Covid 2019-20 Cambridge City 2018-19 Old Georgians* 2017-18 Oxted 2016-17 Sevenoaks* 2015-16 Richmond 2014-15 Holcombe* 2013-14 Southgate* 2012-13 Wimbledon* 2011-12 Canterbury 2010-11 Southgate* 2009-10 Canterbury* 2008-09 Oxted 1999-00, 00-01, 01-02, 02-03, 03-04, 04-05, 05-06, 06-07, 07-08 N/A *promoted via play-offs
Year Conference West 2021-22 University of Bristol 2020-21 Cancelled due to COVID-19 2019-20 Old Cranleighans 2018-19 Havant 2017-18 University of Exeter* 2016-17 Team Bath Buccaneers 2015-16 Cardiff & Met 2014-15 Team Bath Buccaneers 2013-14 Cardiff & Met 2012-13 Cardiff & Met 2011-12 Team Bath Buccaneers 2010-11 Cardiff & Met 2009-10 Team Bath Buccaneers 2008-09 University of Exeter* 1999-00, 00-01, 01-02, 02-03, 03-04, 04-05, 05-06, 06-07, 07-08 N/A -
Year Conference Midlands 2021-22 Barford Tigers 1999-00, 00-01, 01-02, 02-03, 03-04, 04-05, 05-06, 06-07, 07-08, 08-09, 09-10, 10-11, 11-12, 12-13, 13-14, 14-15, 15-16, 16-17, 17-18, 18-19, 19-20, 20-21 N/A
England Hockey League - Women's - 1999-Present
Year League Champions 2021-22 Surbiton 2020-21 Cancelled due to COVID-19 2019-20 Surbiton 2018-19 Surbiton 2017-18 Surbiton 2016-17 Surbiton 2015-16 Surbiton 2014-15 Surbiton 2013-14 Surbiton 2012-13 Reading 2011-12 Leicester 2010-11 Reading 2009-10 Slough 2008-09 Bowdon Hightown Year Premier Division 2007-08 Slough 2006-07 Leicester 2005-06 Leicester Year Premier 1 2004-05 Leicester Year Premier Division 2003-04 Hightown 2002-03 Slough 2001-02 Slough 2000-01 Leicester 1999-00 Hightown -
2021-22 University of Nottingham 2020-21 Cancelled due to COVID-19 2019-20 Swansea 2008-09, 09-10, 10-11, 11-12, 12-13, 13-14, 14-15, 15-16, 16-17, 17-18 &18-19 N/A Year Division One 2007-08 Trojans 2006-07 Brooklands Poynton 2005-06 Sutton Coldfield Year Premier 2 2004-05 Old Loughtonians Year Division One 2003-04 Trojans 2002-03 Doncaster 2001-02 Trojans 2000-01 Doncaster 1999-00 Loughborough Students -
Year Division One South 2021-22 Reading 2020-21 Cancelled due to COVID-19 2019-20 Wimbledon 2008-09, 09-10, 10-11, 11-12, 12-13, 13-14, 14-15, 15-16, 16-17, 17-18 & 18-19 N/A Year National South Division 2007-08 Staines 2006-07 Reading 2005-06 Horsham Year Premier 3 2004-05 Bradford Year Division Two 2003-04 University of Birmingham 2002-03 Brooklands Poynton 2001-02 Reading 2000-01 Liverpool Sefton 1999-00 Harleston Magpies -
Year Conference North 2021-22 Leeds 2020-21 Cancelled due to COVID-19 2019-20 University of Nottingham 2018-19 Loughborough Students* 2017-18 Beeston* 2016-17 Brooklands Poynton 2015-16 Wakefield 2014-15 Wakefield 2013-14 Brooklands Poynton 2012-13 Beeston* 2011-12 Beeston 2010-11 Sutton Coldfield* 2009-10 University of Durham 2008-09 University of Durham Year National North Division 2007-08 Cannock 2006-07 University of Durham 2005-06 Sunderland 1999-00, 00-01, 01-02, 02-03, 03-04, 04-05 N/A -
Year Conference East 2021-22 Barnes 2020-21 Cancelled due to COVID-19 2019-20 Wimbledon 2s 2018-19 Hampstead & Westminster* 2017-18 Hampstead & Westminster 2016-17 Holcombe* 2015-16 Slough* 2014-15 East Grinstead* 2013-14 Holcombe* 2012-13 Harleston Magpies 2011-12 Surbiton* 2010-11 Sevenoaks 2009-10 Ipswich Seven 2008-09 Reading* 1999-00, 00-01, 01-02, 02-03, 03-04, 04-05, 05-06, 06-07, 07-08 N/A -
Year Conference West 2021-22 Witney 2020-21 Cancelled due to COVID-19 2019-20 2018-19 Stourport 2017-18 Stourport 2016-17 Buckingham* 2015-16 Sutton Coldfield 2014-15 Slough 2013-14 Buckingham* 2012-13 Buckingham 2011-12 Buckingham 2010-11 Buckingham 2009-10 Cannock* 2008-09 University of Birmingham* 1999-00, 00-01, 01-02, 02-03, 03-04, 04-05, 05-06, 06-07, 07-08 N/A -
Year Conference Midlands 2021-22 Sutton Coldfield 1999-00, 00-01, 01-02, 02-03, 03-04, 04-05, 05-06, 06-07, 07-08, 08-09, 09-10, 10-11, 11-12,12-13, 13-14, 14-15, 15-16, 16-17, 17-18, 18-19, 19-20, 20-21 N/A
Men's T1 (Cup)
2021-22 Old Georgians 3 0 Oxted 2020-21 Oxted 3 2 Bowdon 2019-20 Beeston 9 1 Fareham 2018-19 Canterbury 3 4 Bowdon 2017-18 Reading* 2 2 Beeston 2016-17 Reading 6 1 Canterbury 2015-16 Beeston 3 0 Chichester 2014-15 Reading 5 1 Surbiton 2013-14 Cannock* 2 2 Brooklands MU 2012-13 Surbiton 3 1 Hampstead & Westminster 2011-12 Beeston 2 1 Hampstead & Westminster 2010-11 Beeston 6 2 Doncaster 2009-10 Beeston 2 1 Hampstead & Westminster 2008-09 Reading 3 1 Beeston 2007-08 Beeston 4 3 Bowdon 2006-07 Cannock 1 0 East Grinstead 2005-06 Reading 5 3 East Grinstead 2004-05 Cannock 2 0 Loughborough Students 2003-04 Reading 2 1 Surbiton 2002-03 Reading 4 1 Cannock 2001-02 Cannock 7 0 Belper 2000-01 Guildford^ 2 1 Reading 1999-00 Reading 3 2 Old Loughts 1998-99 Reading* 4 4 Cannock 1997-98 Cannock 4 1 Beeston 1996-97 Teddington 2 1 Reading 1995-96 Reading* 2 2 Old Loughts 1994-95 Guildford 4 1 Teddington 1993-94 Teddington 1 0 Old Loughts 1992-93 Hounslow 4 1 Teddington 1991-92 Hounslow 3 2 Teddington 1990-91 Hounslow 3 2 Havant 1989-90 Havant 3 0 Stourport 1988-89 Hounslow 2 0 Bromley 1987-88 Southgate 2 1 Hounslow 1986-87 Southgate 3 1 Slough 1985-86 Southgate 3 2 Pickwick 1984-85 Southgate 2 1 Blackheath 1983-84 East Grinstead 1 0 Blackheath 1982-83 Neston 3 2 Slough 1981-82 Southgate 2 1 Slough 1980-81 Slough 2 1 Southgate 1979-80 Slough 2 1 Guildford 1978-79 Slough 3 1 Neston 1977-78 Guildford 2 1 Slough 1976-77 Slough 1 0 Beckenham 1975-76 Nottingham 2 1 Hounslow 1974-75 Southgate 4 0 Nottingham 1973-74 Southgate 3 0 Beds Eagles 1972-73 Hounslow 4 0 Bristol 1971-72 Hounslow 3 0 Norwich Grasshoppers Men's T2 (Trophy)
2021-22 Banbury* 0 0 East Grinstead 2020-21 Timperley 7 0 Staines 2019-20 Repton 3 2 Surbiton 2s 2018-19 Repton 1 4 Surbiton 2s 2017-18 Blackheath & Elthamians 2 1 East London 2016-17 Blackheath* 1 1 Didsbury Northern 2015-16 Guernsey 7 3 Blackheath & Elthamians 2014-15 Sheffield Uni Bankers* 2 2 Guernsey 2013-14 Guernsey* 3 3 Banbury 2012-13 Lewes^ 3 2 Guernsey 2011-12 Gateshead 2 1 Guernsey 2010-11 West Hamp 5 1 Tulse Hill & Dulwich 2009-10 London Wayferers 3 2 Eastbourne 2008–09 Guernsey 4 3 Henley 2007–08 Banbury 6 2 Rotherham 2006–07 Banbury 5 3 Crewe Vagrants 2005–06 Trojans 3 0 Banbury 2004–05 Trojans 4 3 Slough 2003–04 Banbury 4 1 Henley 2002–03 Uni of Birmingham 6 4 Rotherham 2001–02 Spencer^ 5 4 Wisbech Town 2000–01 Ashford* 2 2 Tulse Hill 1999–00 Bournemouth 5 0 Wisbech 1998–99 Epsom 4 0 Worthing 1997–98 West Herts 4 3 Bowdon (AET) 1996–97 West Herts 4 1 DMU Bedford 1995–96 West Herts 3 1 Coventry & NW 1994–95 Shrewsbury 3 1 Bowdon 1993–94 Ashford 3 2 Bowdon 1992–93 Oxton 2 1 Halifax 1991–92 Sheffield UB 2 0 PHC Chiswick Men's T3 (Vase)
2021-22 Nottingham Trent University* 2 2 Repton 2020-21 Cancelled due to Covid 2019-20 Atherstone Adders 2 1 Southport 2018-19 University of Nottingham 4s 4 1 Atherstone Adders 2017-18 Oxted 2nd XI 3 1 Lymm 2016-17 Southampton 3 1 Brigg 2015-16 Haslemere 4 1 Ludlow 2014-15 Coalville Town* 2 2 Crawley 2013-14 Camberley & F’boro 3 2 Basingstoke 2012-13 Winchester 2 1 Ashbourne 2011-12 Burnt Ash (Bexley) 2 0 Cleevillians 2010-11 Burnt Ash (Bexley) 4 2 Tameside 2009-10 Plashet 2 1 South Cheshire 2008–09 Sunbury* 2 2 Gainsborough Rose 2007–08 UCL Academicals 4 3 South Nottingham 2006–07 Andover* 2 2 UCL Academicals 2005–06 Liverpool Sefton 4 2 Urmston 2004–05 Old Mid* 3 3 Northampton Lions 2003–04 Cirencester 3 7 Eastbourne 2002–03 Weymouth 4 0 Old Bordenian 2001–02 Haslemere 2 0 Mill Hill 2000–01 Weymouth 3 0 Tring 1999–00 Leicester Thursday^ 3 2 South Notts 1998–99 Tring 5 4 Leicester Thursday Men's T4 (2nd XI Cup)
2021-22 University of Nottingham 5s 1 0 Penzance 2020-21 Cancelled due to Covid 2019-20 University of Nottingham 5s 4 0 Tower Hamlets 2018-19 University of Nottingham 5s 5 1 Crawley 2s 2017-18 Bebington 2nd XI 3 0 Surbiton 4th XI 2016-17 Surbiton 3 1 Southgate 2015-16 Southgate* 1 1 Brooklands MU 2014-15 Cannock 3 1 Surbiton 2013-14 Southgate 2 1 Uni of B’ham 2012-13 Teddington 3 2 Southgate 2011-12 No competition 2010-11 Beeston^ 3 2 Southgate 2009-10 L’boro Stu ^ 4 3 Southgate 2008-09 East Grinstead ^ 3 2 L’boro Stu 2007-08 Sheffield Hallam * 3 3 Southgate 2006-07 Bromley & Beck^ 3 2 Sheffield Hallam 2005-06 Surbiton 2 1 Hampstead & W 2004-05 L’boro Stu 4 0 Lewes 2003-04 Bath Buccanneers 2 1 Havant 2001-02 Ipswich* 3 2 Olton & WW 2000-01 Slough* 3 2 Olton & WW 1999-00 Clifton 4 2 Sutton Coldfield 1998-99 Slough 4 3 Fyffes Leicester 1997-98 Clifton^ 1 1 Slough 1996-97 Hightown^ 2 2 Clifton 1995-96 Ipswich^ 0 0 Clifton 1994-95 Hightown 5 0 Trojans 1993-94 Slough^ 1 1 Hightown 1992-93 Balsam Leicester 1 0 Ealing 1991-92 Hightown^ 3 3 Slough ^Won by golden goal
*Won by penalty strokes/shootout
Women's T1 (Cup)
2021-22 Beeston 3 - 1 Buckingham 2020-21 East Grinstead 5 - 3 Clifton Robinsons 2019-20 Clifton Robinsons 2 - 3 Beeston 2018-19 Hampstead & Westminster 2 - 2 Clifton Robinsons* 2017-18 Surbiton 5 - 0 Clifton Robinsons 2016-17 Surbiton 5 - 0 Clifton Robinsons 2015-16 Clifton 1 - 0 Buckingham 2014-15 Surbiton 2 - 1 Clifton 2013-14 Surbiton 7 - 1 Hampstead & W 2012-13 Bowdon Hightown 2 - 1 Clifton 2011-12 Univ of Birmingham 4 - 1 Surbiton 2010-11 Bowdon Hightown 4 - 1 Surbiton 2009-10 Leicester - 1 Reading 2008-09 Bowdon Hightown 2 - 1 Reading 2007-08 Leicester 1 - 0 Slough 2006-07 Bowdon Hightown 2 - 0 Slough 2005-06 Bowdon Hightown 5 - 0 Chelmsford 2004-05 Fyffes Leicester 2 - 0 Clifton 2003-04 Hightown 3 - 2 Fyffes Leicester 2002-03 Canterbury 4 - 0 Slough 2001-02 Ipswich* 3 - 2 Olton & WW 2000-01 Slough* 3 - 2 Olton & WW 1999-00 Clifton 4 - 2 Sutton Coldfield 1998-99 Slough 4 - 3 Fyffes Leicester 1997-98 Clifton^ 1 - 1 Slough 1996-97 Hightown^ 2 - 2 Clifton 1995-96 Ipswich^ 0 - 0 Clifton 1994-95 Hightown 5 - 0 Trojans 1993-94 Slough^ 1 - 1 Hightown 1992-93 Balsam Leicester 1 - 0 Ealing 1991-92 Hightown^ 3 - 3 Slough Women's T2 (Trophy)
2021-22 Repton 4 - 1 Liverpool Sefton 2020-21 Lymm 4 - 1 Broxbourne 2019-20 Guildford 2 - 4 Loughborough Students 2s 2018-19 Loughborough Students 2s 3 - 1 Guildford 2017-18 Oxford 4 - 0 East Grinstead 2nd XI 2016-17 Uni of Nottingham* 4 - 4 Alderley Edge 2015-16 Alderley Edge* 1 - 1 Harrogate 2014-15 Newcastle 1 - 0 Newent 2013-14 Henley 4 - 3 Didsbury Greys 2012-13 Henley ^ 1 - 0 Sonning 2011-12 Tulse Hill& Dulwich 2 - 1 Oxford 2010-11 Wimbledon 2 - 1 Tulse Hill& Dulwich 2009-10 Teddington 3 - 2 Kendal 2008-09 Chichester Priory Park 8 - 3 Broxbourne 2007-08 Buckingham ^ 3 - 2 Teddington 2006-07 Tulse Hill& Dulwich 3 - 1 Watton 2005-06 Hampstead & West 6 - 3 Exeter 2004-05 Purley Walcountians 2 - 0 Tulse Hill & Dulwich 2003-04 Staines * 1 - 0 Tunbridge Wells 2002-03 Matlock Baileans 2 - 0 Hampstead& W 2001-02 Uni of B'ham 5 - 0 Whitley Bay 2000-01 JDM Sheffield 3 - 1 North Staffs Women's T3 (Vase)
2021-22 British Army 3 - 0 Nottingham Trent University 2020-21 Cancelled due to Covid 2019-20 Oxted 2 - 2 Nottingham Trent University* 2018-19 Oxted* 3 - 3 Reading Rockets 2017-18 Repton 5 - 2 Reading Rockets 2016-17 Chichester* 1 - 1 Amersham & Chalfont 2015-16 Amersham & Chalfont 2 - 1 Formby 2014-15 Oxted 3 - 1 Amersham & Chalfont 2013-14 Eastbourne 5 - 2 Winchester 2012-13 Guernsey* 1 - 1 Oxted 2011-12 Oxted 3 - 0 Milton Keynes 2010-11 Alderley Edge 2 - 1 Guernsey 2009-10 East Grinstead 1 - 0 Worthing 2008-09 East Grinstead 5 - 3 Lewes 2007-08 Sonning 2 - 0 Camberley & F’boro 2006-07 Chichester ^ 3 - 2 Sonning 2005-06 Banbury 3 - 2 Camberley & F’boro 2004-05 Newcastle 3 - 2 Brooklands 2003-04 Bolton 3 - 1 Brentwood 2002-03 North Notts * 2 - 2 Newcastle 2001-02 Battersea W. 4 - 0 Sudbury 2000-01 Sudbury 3 - 2 Colchester Women's T4 (2nd XI Cup)
2021-22 Knole Park 2s 5 - 0 Golborne 2020-21 Cancelled due to Covid 2019-20 University of Nottimgham 4s* 2 - 2 City of Birmingham 2018-19 Barford Tigers 2 - 4 University of Nottingham 3s 2017-18 Ramsey A 10 - 0 Nuneaton 2 XI 2016-17 Surbiton 5 - 0 Clifton Robinsons 2015-16 Uni of Birmingham 2 - 0 Clifton 2014-15 Beeston* 2 - 2 Surbiton 2013-14 Old Loughts* 3 - 3 Bowdon 2012-13 Clifton 4 - 0 Beeston 2011-12 Clifton 3 - 1 Loughborough Stu. 2010-11 Uni. of B’ham ^ 3 - 2 Surbiton 2009-10 Reading 3 - 2 Cannock 2008-09 Bowdon 7 - 0 Ipswich 2007-08 L’boro Stu^ 2 - 1 Exe 2006-07 Ipswich 4 - 0 Leicester 2005-06 Old Loughts 2 - 1 Woking 2004-05 Wimbledon 2 - 1 Woking 2003-04 Woking 3 - 1 Reading ^Won by golden goal
*Won by penalty strokes/shootout
Year Venue Men Women 2019/20 Copper Box Arena Surbiton Buckingham 2018/19 Copper Box Arena East Grinstead East Grinstead 2017/18 Copper Box Arena East Grinstead Bowdon Hightown 2016/17 SSE Arena Wembley Surbiton Slough 2015/16 Wembley East Grinstead East Grinstead 2014/15 Wembley East Grinstead Bowdon Hightown 2013/14 Wembley East Grinstead Reading 2012/13 Wembley East Grinstead Reading 2011/12 Wembley East Grinstead Leicester 2010/11 Wembley East Grinstead Bowdon Hightown 2009/10 TrentFM Arena Nottingham East Grinstead Leicester 2008/09 NIA Birmingham East Grinstead Bowdon Hightown 2007/08 NIA Birmingham Loughborough Students Slough 2006/07 NIA Birmingham Canterbury Slough 2005/06 NIA Birmingham East Grinstead Chelmsford 2004/05 Crystal Palace East Grinstead Slough 2003/04 Crystal Palace Loughborough Students Chelmsford 2002/03 Crystal Palace Loughborough Students Slough 2001/02 Crystal Palace Loughborough Students Slough 2000/01 Crystal Palace Guildford Slough 1999/00 Crystal Palace Old Loughtonians Chelmsford 1998/99 Crystal Palace Southgate Slough 1997/98 Crystal Palace Reading Slough 1996/97 Crystal Palace St Albans Slough 1995/96 Crystal Palace Old Loughtonians Slough 1994/95 Crystal Palace Old Loughtonians Hightown 1993/94 Crystal Palace St Albans Slough 1992/93 Crystal Palace East Grinstead Hightown 1991/92 Crystal Palace St Albans Hightown 1990/91 Crystal Palace St Albans Hightown 1989/90 Crystal Palace St Albans Ipswich 1988/89 Crystal Palace St Albans Slough 1987/88 Crystal Palace St Albans Ipswich 1986/87 Crystal Palace East Grinstead Sutton Coldfield 1985/86 M - Sobells / W - C Palace Tulse Hill Ealing 1984/85 M - Sobells / W - C Palace St Albans Hightown 1983/84 Crystal Palace Slough Slough 1982/83 Crystal Palace Tulse Hill Hightown 1981/82 Crystal Palace Slough Hightown 1980/81 Crystal Palace Slough Sheffield 1979/80 Crystal Palace Beckenham Sheffield 1978/79 Crystal Palace Slough Hightown 1977/78 Crystal Palace Hounslow Leicester 1976/77 Crystal Palace Blackheath Sheffield 1975/76 Crystal Palace Guildford - 1974/75 Michael Sobell Hounslow - 1973/74 Michael Sobell Tulse Hill - -
Boys U18
Year Winners Runners 2019 Whitgift Altrincham Grammar 2018 St Lawrence College Oakham School 2017 Kingston Grammar Whitgift 2016 Repton School RGS High Wycombe 2015 Whitgift School Exeter School 2014 Whitgift School Millfield School 2013 Sir William Borlase Ipswich School 2012 Whitgift School Cranleigh School 2011 Whitgift School Cranleigh School 2010 The Perse School Ipswich School 2009 The Perse School Ipswich School 2008 Southgate Bromsgrove School 2007 Ipswich School Millfield School 2006 Kingston Grammar Havant HC 2005 Millfield School Bromsgrove School 2004 St Georges College Millfield School 2003 Harleston Magpies HC Bromsgrove School 2002 Kingston GS Millfield School 2001 Millfield School Bromsgrove School 2000 Kingston GS Millfield School 1999 Millfield School Kingston GS 1998 St Georges College Exeter School 1997 St Georges College Exeter School 1996 Kingston GS Exeter School 1995 Millfield School Watford GS 1994 Wednesbury HC Bedford School Boys U16
Year Winners Runners 2019 Whitgift School Repton School 2018 Whitgift School Dean Close School 2017 Repton School Whitgift School 2016 Whitgift School Trinity School 2015 Trent College Ipswich 2014 Exeter School Bromsgrove School 2013 Exeter School Repton School 2012 S. Dartmoor Com. Col. Trinity School 2011 Whitgift School Millfield School 2010 Whitgift School RGS Wycombe 2009 Whitgift School Ipswich School 2008 The Perse School Whitgift School 2007 The Perse School Sevenoaks HC 2006 Winchester HC Portsmouth Grammar 2005 Havant HC Sheffield Hallam 2004 Cannock HC Ashmoor Junior 2003 Cannock HC Kingston Grammar 2002 St Georges College Millfield School 2001 St Georges College Millfield School 2000 Millfield School St Georges College 1999 St Georges College Millfield School 1998 Cannock HC St Georges College 1997 John Player HC St Georges College 1996 St Georges College Repton School 1995 St Georges College Exeter School 1994 Exeter School Whitgift School Girls U18
Year Winners Runners 2019 Trent College Repton School 2018 Cranleigh School Framlingham College 2017 Repton School Cranleigh School 2016 Millfield School Trent College 2015 Ipswich School Repton School 2014 Repton School Sir William Borlase School 2013 Repton School Dean Close School 2012 Repton School Ipswich School 2011 Repton School Millfield School 2010 Repton School Kingston Grammar School 2009 Belper HC Trojans HC 2008 Kingston GS Taunton School 2007 King's School, Canter Bromsgrove School 2006 Sutton Coldfield HC Bromsgrove School 2005 Sutton Coldfield HC Millfield School 2004 Woking Clifton 2003 Helena Romanes Sch Woking HC 2002 Millfield School Leyland Motors 2001 Bromsgrove School Harleston Magpies 2000 Hightown HC Bromsgrove School 1999 Bromsgrove School Bradford HC 1998 Harleston Magpies HC Bradford HC 1997 Portishead HC Hightown HC 1996 Portishead HC Dame Alice Harpur Girls U16
Year Winners Runners 2019 Cranleigh School Repton School 2018 Wellington College St Georges College 2017 King's Bruton Cranleigh School 2016 Cranleigh School Repton 2015 Repton School The Perse School 2014 Repton School Kent College 2013 Repton School Coopers Co & Coborn 2012 Coopers Co & Coborn Bromsgrove School 2011 Ipswich School Wakefield Girls High 2010 Millais School Wakefield Girls High 2009 Harleston Magpies HC Horsham HC 2008 Belper HC Ipswich School 2007 Belper HC Kingston Grammar 2006 Repton School Belper HC 2005 Wycombe HS Millfield School 2004 Kings School Millfield School 2003 Wycombe HS Blundell's School 2002 Woking HC Helena Romanes Sch 2001 Gordano Henry Court 2000 Gordano Sir William Borlase 1999 Gordano Dame Alice Harpur 1998 Gordano Dame Alice Harpur 1997 Gordano Henry Cort 1996 Gordano Henry Cort -
Boys U18
Year Winners Runners-Up 2019 Guildford HC Bowdon HC 2018 Guildford HC Doncaster HC 2017 Surbiton HC Canterbury HC 2016 Harleston Magpies HC Beeston HC 2015 Cannock HC East Grinsted HC 2014 Canterbury HC Beeston HC 2013 Beeston HC City of P’boro HC 2012 Wycombe HC Havant HC 2011 Wycombe HC Old Loughtonians HC 2010 Old Loughtonians HC Beeston HC 2009 The Perse School Ipswich School 2008 Southgate HC Bromsgrove School 2007 Ipswich School Millfield School 2006 Kingston Grammar Havant HC 2005 Millfield School Bromsgrove School 2004 St Georges College Millfield School 2003 Cannock HC Kingston GS 2002 Kingston GS Millfield School 2001 Millfield School Bromsgrove School 2000 Kingston GS Millfield School 1999 Millfield School Kingston GS 1998 St Georges College Exeter School 1997 St Georges College Exeter School 1996 Kingston GS Exeter School 1995 St Georges College Exeter School 1994 Wednesbury HC Bedford School Boys U16
Year Winners Runners-Up 2019 Winchester HC Harrogate HC 2018 Cheltenham HC Guildford HC 2017 Surbiton HC Repton HC 2016 Surbiton HC Marlow HC 2015 Beeston HC Surbiton HC 2014 Canterbury HC Beeston HC 2013 Old Loughtonians HC Oxted HC 2012 Havant HC Ashmoor HC 2011 Canterbury HC Ashmoor HC 2010 Bromley & Beck HC Havant HC 2009 Whitgift School Ipswich School 2008 The Perse School Whitgift School 2007 The Perse School Sevenoaks HC 2006 Winchester HC Portsmouth GS 2005 Havant HC Sheffield Hallam HC 2004 Cannock HC Ashmoor Junior HC 2003 Harleston Magpies HC Bromsgrove School 2002 St Georges College Millfield School 2001 St Georges College Millfield School 2000 Millfield School St Georges College 1999 St Georges College Millfield School 1998 Cannock HC Repton School 1997 John Player HC Repton School 1996 St Georges College Repton School 1995 Millfield School Watford GS 1994 Exeter School Whitgift School Girls U18
Year Winners Runners-Up 2019 Southgate HC Repton HC 2018 Repton HC Ben Rhydding HC 2017 Surbiton HC Isca HC 2016 Beeston HC Clifton HC 2015 Beeston HC Bowdon HC 2014 Beeston HC East Grinstead HC 2013 East Grinstead HC Wakefield HC 2012 Beeston HC Wakefield HC 2011 Beeston HC Old Loughtonians HC 2010 Belper HC Beeston HC 2009 Belper HC Trojans HC 2008 Kingston GS Taunton School 2007 King’s School, C’bury Bromsgrove School 2006 Sutton Coldfield HC Bromsgrove School 2005 Sutton Coldfield HC Millfield School 2004 Woking HC Clifton HC 2003 Helena Romanes School Woking HC 2002 Millfield School Leyland Motors HC 2001 Bromsgrove School Harleston Magpies HC 2000 Hightown HC Bromsgrove School 1999 Bromsgrove School Bradford HC 1998 Harleston Magpies HC Bradford HC 1997 Portishead HC Hightown HC 1996 Portishead HC Dame Alice Harpur School Girls U16
Year Winners Runners-Up 2019 Sevenoaks HC Repton HC 2018 Marlow HC Stourport HC 2017 Repton HC Surbiton HC 2016 Beeston HC Surbiton HC 2015 Beeston HC Wycombe HC 2014 Old Loughtonians HC Beeston HC 2013 Beeston HC Old Loughtonians HC 2012 Harleston Magpies HC Old Loughtonians HC 2011 Wycombe HC Havering HC 2010 Trojans HC Beeston HC 2009 Harleston Magpies HC Horsham HC 2008 Belper HC Ipswich School 2007 Belper HC Kingston Grammar School 2006 Repton School Belper HC 2005 Wycombe HS Millfield School 2004 Kings School Millfield School 2003 Wycombe HS Blundell’s School 2002 Woking HC Helena Romanes School 2001 Gordano Henry Court 2000 Gordano Sir William Borlase 1999 Gordano Dame Alice Harpur 1998 Gordano Dame Alice Harpur 1997 Gordano Henry Cort 1996 Gordano Henry Cort -
U18 Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 2018-19 Reeds Charterhouse Altrincham Grammar U18 Pre-Tiered System 2017-18 Repton 2016-17 Whitgift 2015-16 Repton 2014-15 Repton 2013-14 Whitgift 2012-13 Whitgift 2011-12 Whitgift 2010-11 Cranleigh 2009-10 Repton 2008–09 Dean Close 2007–08 Kingston Grammar 2006–07 Kingston Grammar 2005–06 Kingston Grammar 2004–05 Millfield 2003–04 Kent 2002–03 St George’s 2001–02 St George’s 2000–01 Havant HC 1999–00 Kingston Grammar 1998–99 Millfield 1997–98 St George's 1996–97 Kingston Grammar 1995–96 Wellington 1994–95 Millfield 1993–94 Kingston Grammar 1992–93 Kingston Grammar 1991–92 Kingston Grammar 1990–91 Calday Grange Grammar 1989–90 Sir William Borlase’s Grammar 1988–89 Sir William Borlase’s Grammar 1987–88 RGS High Wycombe 1986–87 Millfield 1985–86 Watford Grammar 1984–85 Calday Grange 1983–84 Varndean 1982–83 Calday Grange Grammar 1981–82 Warwick 1980–81 Highfields U18 Plate 2017-18 Merchant Taylor’s 2016-17 Kings , Chester 2015-16 Prior Park 2014-15 Reed’s 2013-14 Oakham U16 Tier 1 Tier 2 2018-19 Repton Trinity School, Croydon U16 Pre-Tiered System 2017-18 Whitgift 2016-17 Whitgift 2015-16 Repton 2014-15 Repton 2013-14 Trent 2012-13 Repton 2011-12 Dean Close 2010-11 RGS Guildford 2009-10 Cranleigh 2008–09 Whitgift 2007–08 Ipswich 2006–07 Trent 2005–06 Kent 2004–05 Kent 2003–04 Langley Park 2002–03 Kent 2001–02 Kent 2000–01 St Georges 1999–00 St George's 1998–99 Simon Langton Grammar 1997–98 St George's 1996–97 St George's 1995–96 St George's 1994–95 Repton 1993–94 Homerton House 1992–93 St George's 1991–92 Bedford 1990–91 Homerton House 1989–90 Felsted 1988–89 St George's 1987–88 Sir William Borlase’s Grammar 1986–87 Sir William Borlase’s Grammar 1985–86 RGS High Wycombe 1984–85 City of Portsmouth 1983–84 Sir Willam Borlase’s Grammar 1982–83 Handsworth Wood 1981–82 Doncaster Grammar 1980–81 Coventry U14 Tier 1 Tier 2 2018-19 St George’s Katherine Lade Berkeleys U14 Pre-Tiered System 2017-18 Whitgift 2016-17 Whitgift 2015-16 Whitgift 2014-15 Repton 2013-14 Framlingham 2012-13 Kingston Grammar 2011-12 Whitgift 2010-11 Whitgift 2009-10 Sir William Borlase’s Grammar 2008–09 Ipswich 2007–08 Kingston Grammar 2006–07 Ipswich 2005–06 Whitgift 2004–05 Perse 2003–04 Portsmouth Grammar 2002–03 Kingston Grammar 2001–02 Gresham's 2000–01 Dean Close 1999–00 St George’s 1998–99 Millfield 1997–98 Millfield 1996–97 Millfield 1995–96 Bethnal Green High -
U18 Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 2019-20 St Lawrence College Haileybury Wells Cathedral 2018-19 Repton School Canford U18 Pre-Tiered System 2017-18 Repton School 2016-17 Repton School 2015-16 Repton School 2014-15 Stockport Grammar School 2013-14 Repton School 2012-13 Dean Close School 2011-12 Repton School 2010-11 Kingston Grammar School 2009-10 Repton School 2008–09 Repton School 2007–08 Repton School 2006–07 Repton School 2005–06 Repton School 2004–05 Repton School 2003–04 Kingston Grammar 2002–03 Kingston Grammar 2001–02 Millfield 2000–01 Millfield 1999–00 Bromsgrove 1998–99 Bromsgrove 1997–98 Bromsgrove 1996–97 Bromsgrove 1995–96 Dame Alice Harpur 1994–95 Gordano 1993–94 Cheltenham Ladies’ 1992–93 Altrincham Girls’ Grammar 1991–92 Gordano 1990–91 Wycombe High 1989–90 Millfield 1988–89 Queen Mary, Lytham 1987–88 Downham Market High 1986–87 Millfield 1985–86 Millfield 1984–85 Millfield 1983–84 Ormskirk Grammar 1982–83 Cheltenham Ladies’ 1981–82 Cheltenham Ladies’ 1980–81 Hertfordshire. & Essex High U16 Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 2019-20 Repton School Queen’s Chester Truro High 2018-19 Repton School Queen’s Chester Sevenoaks U16 Pre-Tiered System 2017-18 Wellington College 2016-17 Wellington College 2015-16 Cranleigh School 2014-15 Repton School 2013-14 Cranleigh School 2012-13 Cranleigh School 2011-12 Arnold School 2010-11 Wakefield Girls’ High School 2009-10 Trent 2008–09 Ecclesbourne School 2007–08 Ecclesbourne School 2006–07 Ecclesbourne School 2005–06 Ecclesbourne School 2004–05 Ecclesbourne School 2003–04 Bradford Girls’ Grammar 2002–03 Fallibroome High School 2001–02 Millfield School 2000–01 Altrincham Girls’ Grammar 1999–00 Canford 1998–99 Canford 1997–98 Queenswood 1996–97 Gordano 1995–96 King Edward VI High, Edgbaston 1994–95 Sir William Borlase’s Grammar 1993–94 Bradford Girls’ Grammar 1992–93 Bradford Girls’ Grammar 1991–92 Cheltenham Ladies’ 1990–91 Dean Close 1989–90 Bradford Girls’ Grammar 1988–89 Bradford Girls’ Grammar 1987–88 Queen Mary, Lytham 1986–87 Cheshun 1985–86 Charlton Park, Cheltenham 1984–85 Queen Mary, Lytham 1983–84 Queen Mary, Lytham 1982–83 Armthorpe 1981–82 Ian Ramsey, Stockton 1980–81 Bingley Grammar U14 Tier 1 Tier 2 2019-20 Kingston Grammar 2018-19 Repton School Plymouth College U14 Pre-Tiered System 2017-18 Repton School 2016-17 Surbiton High School 2015-16 Wellington College 2014-15 St George’s College 2013-14 St George’s College 2012-13 Repton School 2011-12 Clifton 2010-11 Repton School 2009-10 Arnold School 2008–09 Wakefield Girls’ High 2007–08 Kingston Grammar 2006–07 Kingston Grammar 2005–06 St George’s 2004–05 St George’s 2003–04 Ecclesbourne 2002–03 Dean Close -
Boys' U18 T1 (formerly Boys' U18 Cup)
2019-20 Team Bat Buccs 2 - 2 Harrogate* 2018-19 Guildford 3 - 1 Cheltenham 2017-18 Marlow* 1 - 1 Bournemouth 2016-17 Surbiton 4 - 2 Beeston 2015-16 Surbiton* 4 - 4 Ben Rhydding 2014-15 Cambridge* 3 - 3 Beeston 2013-14 Team Bath Buccs. 5 - 0 City of P’boro 2012-13 Old Loughts 3 - 2 Beeston 2011-12 Wycombe 3 - 1 Woking 2010-11 Beeston Canterbury 2009-10 Cannock Beeston 2008-09 Southampton Stourport 2007-08 Bowdon Beeston 2006-07 Reading Canterbury 2005-06 Canterbury Cannock Boys' U18 T2 (formerly Boys' U18 Plate)
2019-20 Hampton-in-Arden 2 - 4 Spencer 2018-19 Old Loughtonians 4 - 3 Lichfield 2017-18 Canterbury 4 - 3 Havant 2016-17 Canterbury 2 - 0 Cannock 2015-16 Taunton Vale 3 - 2 Stourport 2014-15 Bury St. Edmunds 3 - 2 Surbiton 2013-14 Winners: Reading2 2012-13 Marlow 1 - 0 Winchester 2011-12 Belper 3 - 1 West Bridgford Mon 2010-11 Woking* 1 - 1 Deeside Ramblers 2009-10 Taunton Vale 2 - 1 Deeside Ramblers 2008–09 Eastbourne 4 - 1 Ashford (Middx) 2007–08 Havant 7 - 2 Mansfield 2006–07 Old Loughtonians 4 - 0 Wakefield 2005–06 City of Ports. 3 - 0 Old Loughtonians 2004–05 Stevenage 4 - 0 Lichfield 2003–04 Norwich City 4 - 1 Reading 2002–03 Canterbury 7 - 3 Bowdon Boys' U18 T3
2019-20 Slough 1 - 5 Rugby & East Warwickshire 2018-19 Marden Russets 5 - 0 Reading B Girls' U18 Tier 1 (formerly Girls' U18 Cup)
2019-20 Southgate* 1 - 1 Repton 2018-19 Surbiton 6 - 2 Cambridge City 2017-18 Reading 5 - 3 Ben Rhydding 2016-17 Beeston 6 - 1 Reading 2015-16 Beeston 3 - 0 Wakefield 2014-15 Beeston 3 - 0 Bowdon 2013-14 Old Loughts 1 - 0 Beeston 2012-13 Canterbury* 1 - 1 Surbiton 2011-12 Beeston 2 - 0 Bristol Firebrands 2010-11 Surbiton Firebrands 2009-10 Belper Wakefield 2008-09 Belper Wakefield 2007-08 Belper Leicester 2006-07 Belper Chelmsford 2005-06 Sutton Coldfield Belper Girls' U18 T2 (formerly Girls' U18 Plate)
2019-20 Isca 3 - 2 Beeston 2018-19 Team Bath Buccs 8 - 1 Sudbury 2017-18 Repton 4 - 1 Team Bath Buccs 2016-17 Cheltenham 3 - 0 Sevenoaks 2015-16 Reading 2 - 1 Alderley Edge 2014-15 Harleston Magpies 2 - 1 Reading 2013-14 Team Bath Buccs 2 - 1 Wimbledon 2012-13 Wakefield 6 - 0 Taunton Vale 2011-12 Cannock* 0 - 0 Isca 2010-11 Horsham* 1 - 1 Lichfield 2009-10 Ipswich 6 - 0 Eastbourne 2008–09 Horsham 5 - 1 Matlock Baileans 2007–08 Trojans 7 - 1 Surbiton 2006–07 Teddington 3 - 1 Old Loughts 2005–06 Cannock 7 - 0 Teddington 2004–05 Ipswich* 2 - 2 Chelmsford 2003–04 Ipswich 6 - 2 Beeston 2002–03 Barton U.Needwood* 1 - 1 Old Loughts Girls' U18 T3
2019-20 Bury St. Edmunds 1 - 11 Rugby & East Warwickshire 2018-19 Olton & WW 4 - 0 Northampton Saints *Won after penalty strokes/shootout
YEAR VENUE WINNERS RUNNERS-UP 2018-19 Wakefield Bowdon Fareham 2017-18 Nottingham Hockey Centre Surbiton Guildford 2016-17 Lee Valley Hockey and Tennis Centre Cheltenham Beeston 2015-16 Lee Valley Hockey and Tennis Centre Surbiton Marlow 2014-15 Lee Valley Hockey and Tennis Centre Beeston Surbiton 2013-14 Wakefield Beeston Canterbury 2012-13 Wakefield Canterbury Belper 2011-12 Cannock Old Loughtonians Belper 2010-11 Canterbury Beeston Canterbury 2009-10 Cannock Beeston Cannock 2008–09 University of Birmingham Bromley & Beckenham Cannock 2007–08 Canterbury High Wycombe Beeston 2006–07 University of Birmingham Reading Beeston 2005–06 Canterbury Beeston Bowdon Girls
YEAR VENUE WINNERS RUNNERS-UP 2018-19 Wakefield Repton Stourport 2017-18 Nottingham Hockey Centre Surbiton Stourport 2016-17 Lee Valley Hockey and Tennis Centre Surbiton Isca 2015-16 Lee Valley Hockey and Tennis Centre Surbiton Southgate 2014-15 Lee Valley Hockey and Tennis Centre Surbiton Beeston 2013-14 Wakefield Surbiton Wakefield 2012-13 Wakefield Wakefield Beeston 2011-12 Cannock Wakefield Kirkby Lonsdale 2010-11 Canterbury Wakefield Teddington 2009-10 Cannock Wakefield Beeston 2008–09 University of Birmingham Wakefield Teddington 2007–08 Canterbury Wakefield Belper 2006–07 University of Birmingham Belper Chelmsford 2005–06 Canterbury Belper Chelmsford -
2018-19 Surbiton 4 - 0 Old Loughtonians 2017-18 Clifton Robinsons * 0 - 0 Brooklands MU 2016-17 Winchester 2 - 0 Surbiton 2015-16 Cheltenham* 2 - 2 Surbiton 2014-15 Beeston 3 - 0 Bournemouth 2013-14 Guildford 2 - 0 Leicester 2012-13 Surbiton 3 - 0 Girls
2018-19 Sevenoaks 0 - 0 Surbiton* 2017-18 Surbiton 2 - 1 Sevenoaks 2016-17 Guildford* 0 - 0 Surbiton 2015-16 Surbiton 4 - 0 Cambridge City 2014-15 Surbiton 3 - 0 Cambridge City 2013-14 Surbiton 1 - 0 Beeston 2012-13 Surbiton 1 - 0 Teddington *Won after penalty strokes/shootout
Men's O40 T1 (Cup/Championship)
2021-22 Khalsa Leamington 4 - 2 Portsmouth 2020-21 Khalsa Leamington 3 - 2 Hampstead & Westminster 2019-20 Epsom 0 - 2 Rugby & EW 2018-19 Isca 1 - 3 Rugby & EW 2017-18 Clifton Robinsons 4 - 2 Indian Gymkhana 2016-17 Isca 2 - 1 Canterbury 2015-16 Robinson’s 5 - 2 Rugby & EW 2014-15 Stourport 5 - 1 Khalsa 2013-14 Brooklands MU 2 - 1 Cannock 2012-13 Robinsons 7 - 4 Cannock 2011-12 Reading 5 - 1 Robinsons 2010-11 Ipswich ^ 2 - 2 Stourport 2009-10 Isca 2 - 1 Holcombe 2008–09 Barford Tigers 3 - 1 Ipswich 2007–08 Ipswich 3 - 0 East Grinstead 2006–07 Isca 2 - 1 Harleston Magpies 2005–06 East Grinstead 4 - 3 Stourport 2004–05 East Grinstead 5 - 4 Richmond 2003–04 East Grinstead 7 - 2 Chester 2002–03 Canterbury^ 2 - 2 Stourport 2001–02 East Grinstead 5 - 2 Canterbury 2000–01 St Albans^ 2 - 2 Canterbury 1999–00 East Grinstead 4 - 2 Khalsa 1998–99 Richmond 3 - 0 Bournville 1997–98 Indian Gymkhana 1 - 0 Bournville 1996–97 Khalsa 6 - 2 Bishops Stortford 1995–96 Maidenhead^ 1 - 1 Bishops Stortford 1994–95 Bowdon 3 - 0 Basingstoke Men's O40 T2 (Trophy/Plate)
2021-22 Epsom 2 - 1 Didsbury Northern 2020-21 Old Cranleighans 2 - 1 Didsbury Northern 2019-20 Old Cranleighans 3 - 3 Blueharts* 2018-19 Khalsa (Warks) 3 - 3 Deeside Ramblers* 2017-18 Canterbury* 3 - 3 Alderley Edge 2016-17 Epsom 3 - 0 Khalsa 2015-16 Epsom 2 - 1 Purley Walcountians 2014-15 Cannock 3 - 2 Henley 2013-14 Henley 4 - 3 Stockton 2012-13 Harrogate 3 - 2 Bournemouth 2011-12 Stourport 2 - 0 Bournemouth 2010-11 City of Peterborough 2 - 1 Worcester 2009-10 East Grinstead 4 - 2 City of York 2008–09 Kingston-upon-Hull 3 - 2 Jersey 2007–08 Ben Rhydding 2 - 1 Hampton-in-Arden 2006–07 City of York 3 - 1 Khalsa 2005–06 Hereford 3 - 2 Chester 2004–05 Winchester 4 - 3 Colchester Men's O40 T3 (Shield)
2020-21 Cancelled due to Covid 2019-20 Harborne 3 - 3 Taunton Vale* 2018-19 Broxbourne 1 - 3 Herne Bay 2017-18 Holcombe 3 - 2 Amersham & Chalfont 2016-17 Old Cranleighans 4 - 0 Norwich City 2015-16 Wisbech* 2 - 2 Norwich Dragons 2014-15 Taunton Vale 2 - 1 Norwich Dragons 2013-14 Alderley Edge 2 - 0 Havering 2012-13 Shield 3 Lansdowne 7 - 3 Stratford 2012-13 Trophy Purley Walcountians 4 - 2 Banbury Men's O50 T1 (Cup/Championship)
2021-22 Reading 5 - 1 Stourport 2020-21 Reading 5 - 0 City Of York 2019-20 Indian Gymkhana 2 - 2 Stourport* 2018-19 Stourport 1 - 4 Reading 2017-18 Ben Rhydding 1 - 0 Isca 2016-17 Reading 2 - 0 Ben Rhydding 2015-16 Ben Rhydding 4 - 3 Richmond 2014-15 Reading 3 - 0 Harelston Magpies 2013-14 Ben Rhydding 2 - 0 Harelston Magpies 2012-13 Canterbury* 3 - 0 Barford Tigers 2011-12 Richmond 1 - 1 Harleston Magpies 2010-11 Indian Gymkhana 1 - 0 Richmond 2009-10 Canterbury* 1 - 1 Richmond 2008–09 Richmond 2 - 1 Indian Gymkhana 2007–08 Indian Gymkhana 3 - 2 Ipswich 2006–07 Indian Gymkhana* 2 - 2 Richmond 2005–06 Indian Gymkhana 4 - 0 Khalsa 2004–05 Isca^ 2 - 2 Olton & West Warwickshire 2003–04 Indian Gymkhana 5 - 2 Olton & West Warwickshire 2002–03 Indian Gymkhana 3 - 1 Trojans 2001–02 Isca 4 - 0 Eastcote 2000–01 Isca^ 1 - 1 Indian Gymkhana 1999–00 Trojans 4 - 2 Eastcote 1998–99 Sevenoaks^ 2 - 2 Bury St Edmunds 1997–98 Eastcote 3 - 0 St Albans 1996–97 Eastcote 2 - 1 Basingstoke 1995–96 Eastcote 3 - 1 Bromley 1994–95 Llamas 2 - 1 Harrogate Men's O50 T2 (Trophy/Plate)
2021-22 Alderley Edge 4 - 1 Chelmsford 2020-21 Kingswinford* 4 - 4 Norwich City 2019-20 Broxbourne 4 - 3 Stockton 2018-19 Isca 4 - 1 City of York 2017-18 Barford Tigers 3 - 2 Stourport 2016-17 Formby 4 - 2 Timperley 2015-16 Cambridge City 2 - 1 Kettering 2014-15 Sevenoaks 4 - 0 Hereford 2013-14 Tunbridge Wells 5 - 1 Shrewsbury 2012-13 City of Peterborough 2 - 1 Southampton 2011-12 Jersey 4 - 0 Sevenoaks 2010-11 Holcombe 4 - 3 Tunbridge Wells 2009-10 New Beccehamian 5 - 3 Tunbridge Wells 2008–09 Eastcote 5 - 2 Chester 2007–08 Doncaster 2 - 0 Eastcote 2006–07 Sevenoaks 3 - 2 Chester 2005–06 Cannock 2 - 1 Bournemouth 2004–05 Cannock 2 - 1 Southampton Men's O50 T3 (Shield)
2020-21 Cancelled due to Covid 2019-20 Old Cranleighans 1 - 2 Shrewsbury 2018-19 Lichfield 1 - 1 Bristol & West 2017-18 Timperley 4 - 2 Marden Russets 2016-17 Bowdon 4 - 0 Bournemouth 2015-16 Old Loughtonians 4 - 2 Charnwood M’rel 2014-15 Charnwood M’rel 2 - 1 Bournemouth Men's O60 T1 (Cup/Championship)
2021-22 Warks & Worcs 4 - 2 Devon & Cornwall 'A' 2020-21 Surrey 3 - 1 Warks & Worcs 2019-20 Reading 5 - 0 Iceni Rex Essex 2018-19 Warwickshire & Worcestershire 10 - 1 Iceni Rex Essex 2017-18 Surrey 6 - 1 Gloucs. & Herefords. 2016-17 Surrey* 3 - 3 Indian Gymkhana 2015-16 Indian Gymkhana 4 - 1 Surrey 2014-15 Indian Gymkhana 3 - 1 Worcs & Heref 2013-14 Indian Gymkhana 5 - 1 Surrey Men's O60 T2 (Plate)
2021-22 Lindum 2 - 1 Shrewsbury 2020-21 Yorkshire 2 - 1 Kent 2019-20 Cheshire 1 - 0 Indian Gynkhana 2018-19 Southampton 1 - 7 Kent 2017-18 Iceni Rex Essex 3 - 1 Trojans 2016-17 Kent 2 - 0 Hampshire 2015-16 Warks & Worcs 3 - 2 Khalsa (Warks) 2014-15 Iceni Rex Essex 5 - 1 Gloucestershire 2013-14 Iceni Rex Essex 5 - 1 Kent ^Won by golden goal
*Won after penalty strokes/shootout
Women's O35 T1 (Cup/Championship)
2021-22 Canterbury 2 - 0 Bedford 2020-21 Bedford 2 - 1 Taunton Vale 2019-20 Olton & West Warks 11 - 2 Clifton Robinsons 2018-19 Canterbury 3 - Trojans 2017-18 Harleston Magpies* 0 - 0 Canterbury 2016-17 Canterbury* 3 - 3 Olton & West Warks 2015-16 Bowdon 5 - 2 Canterbury 2014-15 Sevenoaks 4 - 1 Bowdon 2013-14 Canterbury 7 - 0 Cambridge City 2012-13 Canterbury 5 - 1 Towcester 2011-12 Canterbury 4 - 2 Exe 2010-11 Ipswich * 2 - 2 Exe 2009-10 Ipswich 2 - 1 Teddington Women's O35 T2 (Trophy/Plate)
2021-22 Epsom 3 - 1 Liverpool Sefton 2020-21 Didsbury Northern 3 - 2 Team Bath Buccs 2019-20 Bedford 3 - 1 Timperley 2018-19 Ipswich 1 - 0 St Albans 2017-18 Taunton Vale 0 - 1 Barnes 2016-17 Harleston Magpies 8 - 0 Timperley 2015-16 Epsom 1 - 0 Jersey 2014-15 Bury St Edmunds 2 - 1 Jersey 2013-14 Woking 2 - 0 Sevenoaks 2012-13 St Albans 3 - 1 Wimbledon 2011-12 Bowdon 4 - 3 Horsham 2010-11 Horsham 3 - 1 Carlisle 2009-10 Wimbledon* 4 - 4 Kettering Women's O35 T3 (Shield)
2020-21 Cancelled due to Covid 2019-20 Yate 2 - 8 Barnes 2018-19 Oxford Hawks 0 - 5 Epsom 2017-18 Teddington* 0 - 0 Newcastle 2016-17 Barnes 2 - 0 Wisbech Town 2015-16 Bretforton 5 - 1 Folkestone Optimist 2014-15 Telford & Wrekin 3 - 1 Redbridge & Illford 2013-14 No Competition 2012-13 Northampton Saints 4 - 1 Derby Asterdale 2012-13 Hereford 4 - 3 Oxford Women's O45 T1 (Cup/Championship)
2021-22 Timperley 2 - 1 Epsom 2020-21 Bowdon* 1 - 1 St Albans 2019-20 St Albans 4 - 0 Redland Wereys 2018-19 Sutton Coldfield 3 - 2 St Albans 2017-18 Cambridge City 1 - 3 Sevenoaks 2016-17 Sevenoaks 4 - 1 Redland UWE Wereys 2015-16 Cambridge City 2 - 1 Kettering 2014-15 Sevenoaks* 1 - 1 Cambridge City 2013-14 Sutton Coldfield 7 - 3 Woking Women's O45 T2 (Trophy/Plate)
2021-22 Guildford 3 - 2 Harleston Magpies 2020-21 Timperley 5 - 0 Bedford 2019-20 Bowdon 2 - 3 Bretforton 2018-19 Canterbury 4 - 0 Bretforton 2017-18 Bretforton 3 - 0 Kingston-Upon-Hull 2016-17 Taunton Vale* 1 - 1 Driffield 2015-16 Redland UWE 4 - 2 Canterbury 2014-15 Canterbury 6 - 5 Driffield 2013-14 Kingston Upon Hull 3 - 2 Canterbury Women's O55 T1 (Cup/Championship)
2021-22 Wereys 2 - 0 Cheshire Women's O55 T2 (Trophy/Plate)
2021-22 Bedford 3 - 0 Ben Rhydding *Won after penalty strokes/shootout
T1 (formerly the Mixed Trophy)
Year Winners Runners-Up 2021-22 Norwich City Leeds Beckett University 2020-21 Norwich City Olton & West Warks 2019-20 Cancelled due to Covid 2018-19 Southgate Repton 2017-18 Repton Khalsa 2016-17 Harleston Magpies Khalsa 2015-16 Banbury Formby 2014-15 Harleston Magpies Bedford 2013-14 West Herts Bedford 2012-13 Cannock West Herts 2011-12 Phoenix West Herts 2010-11 Cannock Horsham 2009-10 Olton & West Warks Staines 2008-09 Phoenix Southgate 2007-08 Cannock Spencer 2006-07 Phoenix Harleston Magpies 2005-06 Phoenix Folkestone Optimists 2004-05 Banbury Uni Of B’ham 2003-04 Harleston Magpies Uni Of B’ham 2002-03 Olton & West Warks Harleston Magpies 2001-02 Aphrodisiacs Olton & West Warks 2000-01 Olton & West Warks Hounslow & Enfield 1999-00 Olton & West Warks North Stafford 1998-99 Olton & West Warks Midwives 1997-98 Wimbledon Aphrodisiacs 1996-97 Midwives Bretton Beavers 1995-96 St. Albans Abstainers 1994-95 Midwives Mixed Dix 1993-94 Aphrodisiacs Abstainers 1992-93 Westmead Mixed Dix 1991-92 Teddybears Abstainers T2 (formerly the Mixed Plate)
Year Winners Runners-Up 2021-22 University of Bath 'A' Blueharts 2020-21 Old Georgians Bourneville 2019-20 Cancelled due to Covid 2018-19 Bristol Firebrands Horsham 2017-18 Formby Marlow 2016-17 Repton Sevenoaks 2015-16 Sevenoaks Havering 2014-15 Reading Dereham 2013-14 Old Silhillians Deeside Ramblers 2012-13 Havering Solihull Blossomfield 2011-12 Barford Tigers Wallingford 2010-11 Bedford Wisbech Town 2009-10 Havering Bedford 2008-09 Cannock Havering 2007-08 Chelmsford Worthing 2006-07 Solihull Blossomfield Tunbridge Wells 2005-06 Ipswich Holcombe 2004-05 North Notts Midwives 2003-04 Tangos Wimbledon 2002-03 Leicester Thursday Vansittarts 2001-02 Halstead Imps Wimbledon 2000-01 Muffins Riverside 1999-00 Bourne Maidenhead 1998-99 Welwyn Garden City Epsom 1997-98 Bowdon Canterbury 1996-97 Barbarians North Stafford 1995-96 Aphrodisiacs Spalding 1994-95 Olton & West Warks Farnham Common 1993-94 Carlisle Havering 1992-93 Woking Felixstowe Vikings 1991-92 Barbarians Hampton in Arden -
Boys U12
2018-19 Cambridge City 2017-18 Canterbury HC/Surbiton 2016-17 Canterbury HC 2015-16 Canterbury HC 2014-15 Surbiton 2013-14 Haslemere 2012-13 Guildford 2011-12 Team Bath Buccs 2010-11 Wycombe HC 2009-10 Canterbury HC Boys U13 Schools & Clubs
2008-09 Old Loughtonians HC 2007-08 Ipswich School 2006-07 Clifton College 2005-06 Ipswich School 2004-05 Ipswich School 2003-04 Bowdon HC 2002-03 Kent College 2001-02 Alderley Edge HC 2000-01 Greshams School 1999-00 Greshams School 1998-99 St Georges College 1997-98 Millfield Junior School 1996-97 Canterbury HC 1995-96 Millfield Junior School 1994-95 Monkton Combe School 1993-94 St Georges College 1992-93 Perse School Boys U11 Schools & Clubs
2008-09 Canterbury HC 2007-08 Millfield School 2006-07 Belper 2005-06 Forres Sandle Manor School 2004-05 Belper HC 2003-04 Cannock HC 2002-03 Greshams School 2001-02 Beeston 2000-01 St Georges College 1999-00 Cifton College 1998-99 Greshams School 1997-98 Greshams School 1996-97 Kent College 1995-96 St Georges College 1994-95 Woburn Hill School 1993-94 Durlston Court School 1992-93 Woburn Hill School Girls U12
2018-19 Sevenoaks 2017-18 Surbiton 2016-17 Sevenoaks 2015-16 Surbiton 2014-15 Spencer 2013-14 Surbiton 2012-13 Worcester/Surbiton 2011-12 Surbiton 2010-11 Surbiton 2009-10 City of York Girls U13 Schools & Clubs
2008-09 Kingston Grammar School 2007-08 Cheltenham Junior School 2006-07 Felsted School 2005-06 Belper HC 2004-05 Belper HC 2003-04 Belper HC 2002-03 Millfield School 2001-02 Felsted Prep School 2000-01 Gosport Borough HC 1999-00 Clifton College 1998-99 Guildford HC 1997-98 Bradford Grammar 1996-97 Portishead Firebrands HC 1995-96 John Taylor High School 1994-95 Herne Bay HC 1993-94 Dame Alice Harpur School 1992-93 Herne Bay HC Girls U11 Schools & Clubs
2008-09 St Georges College 2007-08 Millfield School 2006-07 Felsted School 2005-06 Belper HC 2004-05 Orwell Park School 2003-04 Wakefield School 2002-03 Belper HC 2001-02 Belper HC 2000-01 Milldield HC 1999-00 St Georges College 1998-99 Millfield School 1997-98 Gosport Borough HC 1996-97 Kirkham Grammar 1995-96 St Andrews School 1994-95 St Andrews School 1993-94 Blackpool HC 1992-93 Mowden School -
Boys U13
2018-19 Dean Close 2017-18 St Lawrence 2016-17 St Lawrence/Dean Close 2015-16 Dean Close/Whitgift 2014-15 Dean Close 2013-14 Dean Close/Whitgift 2012-13 Brandeston Hall 2011-12 Kingston Grammar/Queens 2010-11 Whitgift 2009-10 Millfield Boys U13 Schools & Clubs
2008-09 Old Loughtonians HC 2007-08 Ipswich School 2006-07 Clifton College 2005-06 Ipswich School 2004-05 Ipswich School 2003-04 Bowdon HC 2002-03 Kent College 2001-02 Alderley Edge HC 2000-01 Greshams School 1999-00 Greshams School 1998-99 St Georges College 1997-98 Millfield Junior School 1996-97 Canterbury HC 1995-96 Millfield Junior School 1994-95 Monkton Combe School 1993-94 St Georges College 1992-93 Perse School Boys Under 11 Schools & Clubs
2008-09 Canterbury HC 2007-08 Millfield School 2006-07 Belper 2005-06 Forres Sandle Manor School 2004-05 Belper HC 2003-04 Cannock HC 2002-03 Greshams School 2001-02 Beeston 2000-01 St Georges College 1999-00 Cifton College 1998-99 Greshams School 1997-98 Greshams School 1996-97 Kent College 1995-96 St Georges College 1994-95 Woburn Hill School 1993-94 Durlston Court School 1992-93 Woburn Hill School Girls U13
2018-19 Weald of Kent Grammar 2017-18 St Teresa's 2016-17 St Teresa's/Bedford Girls 2015-16 St Georges/St Faith's 2014-15 Danes Hill Prep 2013-14 Danes Hill Prep 2012-13 Eagle House 2011-12 Cranleigh Prep 2010-11 Kent 2009-10 St Georges Girls U13 Schools & Clubs
2008-09 Kingston Grammar School 2007-08 Cheltenham Junior School 2006-07 Felsted School 2005-06 Belper HC 2004-05 Belper HC 2003-04 Belper HC 2002-03 Millfield School 2001-02 Felsted Prep School 2000-01 Gosport Borough HC 1999-00 Clifton College 1998-99 Guildford HC 1997-98 Bradford Grammar 1996-97 Portishead Firebrands HC 1995-96 John Taylor High School 1994-95 Herne Bay HC 1993-94 Dame Alice Harpur School 1992-93 Herne Bay HC Girls U11 Schools & Clubs
2008-09 St Georges College 2007-08 Millfield School 2006-07 Felsted School 2005-06 Belper HC 2004-05 Orwell Park School 2003-04 Wakefield School 2002-03 Belper HC 2001-02 Belper HC 2000-01 Milldield HC 1999-00 St Georges College 1998-99 Millfield School 1997-98 Gosport Borough HC 1996-97 Kirkham Grammar 1995-96 St Andrews School 1994-95 St Andrews School 1993-94 Blackpool HC 1992-93 Mowden School -
Men - A Division
Year Venue 2021-22 Nottingham Kent 5 - 0 Nottinghamshire 2018-19 Nottingham Lancashire 4 - 3 Nottinghamshire 2017-18 Nottingham Somerset 4 - 2 Warwickshire 2016-17 Nottingham Yorkshire 8 - 4 Kent 2015-16 Nottingham Yorkshire 5 - 4 Kent 2014-15 Old Loughts Yorkshire 7 - 2 Staffordshire 2013-14 Old Loughts Sussex 2 - 4 Staffordshire 2012-13 Wakefield Staffordshire 1 - 3 Lincolnshire 2011-12 Sheffield Yorkshire 7 - 2 Staffordshire 2010-11 Sheffield Yorkshire 3 - 1 Warwickshire 2009-10 Sheffield Berkshire 3 - 2 Sussex 2008-09 Sheffield Yorkshire 6 - 6 Cheshire 2007-08 Old Loughts Yorkshire 1 - 2 Cheshire 2006-07 Sheffield Cheshire 3 - 3 Sussex 2005-06 Trojans Nottinghamshire 3 - 1 Cheshire 2004-05 E Grinstead Warwickshire 4 - 2 Suffolk 2003-04 Chelmsford Essex 1 - 0 Warwickshire 2002-03 Cannock Warwickshire 5 - 4 Kent 2001-02 Milton Keynes Kent* 3 - 3 Warwickshire 2000-01 Milton Keynes Warwickshire* 1 - 1 Cheshire 1999-00 Milton Keynes Surrey 5 - 2 Durham 1998-99 Milton Keynes Sussex 3 - 2 Yorkshire 1997-98 Milton Keynes Surrey 1 - 0 Cheshire 1996-97 Milton Keynes Cheshire 5 - 1 Sussex Men - B Division
Year Venue 2021-22 Nottingham Isle of Man Shropshire 2018-19 Nottingham Kent 7 - 2 Lincolnshire 2017-18 Nottingham Surrey 2 - 2 UK Armed Forces 2016-17 Nottingham Derbyshire 5 - 2 Leicestershire 2015-16 Nottingham Somerset 8 - 4 Shropshire 2014-15 Old Loughts Northumberland 5 - 4 Kent 2013-14 Old Loughts Norfolk 3 - 8 Yorkshire 2012-13 Wakefield Durham 3 - 4 Northumberland 2011-12 Sheffield Norfolk 8 - 1 Lincolnshire 2010-11 Sheffield Hertfordsshire* 3 - 3 Bedfordshire 2009-10 Sheffield Lancashire ** Staffordshire 2008-09 Sheffield Berkshire 4 - 1 Bedfordshire 2007-08 Old Loughts Hertfordshire 1 - 4 Staffordshire 2006-07 Sheffield Cambridgeshire 5 - 3 Leicestershire 2005-06 Trojans Devon* 1 - 1 Northumberland 2004-05 E Grinstead Cheshire 5 - 1 Berkshire 2003-04 Chelmsford Worcestershire 4 - 0 Shropshire 2002-03 Cannock Staffordshire 4 - 2 Gloucestershire 2001-02 Milton Keynes Derbyshire* 2 - 2 Essex 2000-01 Milton Keynes Bedfordshire 10 - 1 Worcestershire 1999-00 Milton Keynes Hertfordshire* 1 - 1 Warwickshire 1998-99 Milton Keynes Norfolk 6 - 4 Northamptonshire 1997-98 Milton Keynes Durham 3 - 2 Hampshire 1996-97 Milton Keynes Suffolk 3 - 2 Norfolk Men - C Division
Year Venue 2016-17 RN Portsmouth Isle of Man ** Bedfordshire 2015-16 Leicester Leicestershire 7 - 0 Derbyshire 2014-15 Old Loughts Surrey 6 - 4 Nottinghamshire 2013-14 Old Loughts Cheshire* 4 - 4 Devon 2012-13 Wakefield Kent 5 - 2 Gloucestershire 2011-12 Sheffield Northamptonshire* 2 - 2 Nottinghamshire 2010-11 Sheffield Somerset 1 - 2 Gloucestershire 2009-10 Sheffield Worcestershire 3 - 5 Lincolnshire 2008-09 Sheffield Suffolk 2 - 4 Devon Men's Championships (before divisional split)
Year Venue 1995-96 Milton Keynes Surrey 3 - 2 Lancashire 1994-95 Portsmouth Yorkshire 3 - 2 Kent 1993-94 Sheffield Staffordshire 3 - 1 Surrey 1992-93 Cannock Staffordshire 3 - 2 Cheshire 1991-92 St Albans Yorkshire 2 - 1 Buckinghamshire 1990-91 Plymouth Middlesex 4 - 3 Kent 1989-90 Sheffield Middlesex^ 2 - 0 Yorkshire 1988-89 Dereham Middlesex 1 - 0 Kent 1987-88 Nottingham Middlesex 1 - 0 Worcestershire 1986-87 Willesden Worcestershire^ 2 - 1 Devon 1985-86 Willesden Surrey 1 - 0 Devon 1984-85 Willesden Worcestershire^ 3 - 2 Middlesex 1983-84 Willesden Yorkshire* 1 - 1 Middlesex 1982-83 Warrington Lancashire* 1 - 1 Middlesex 1981-82 Ipswich Buckinghamshire 4 - 0 Suffolk 1980-81 Luton Middlesex 1 - 0 Buckinghamshire 1979-80 Lord’s Buckinghamshire 5 - 2 Middlesex 1978-79 Crystal Palace Kent 3 - 0 Norfolk 1977-78 Northern HC Lancashire 3 - 2 Somerset 1976-77 Devizes Middlesex 2 - 1 Wiltshire 1975-76 St Albans Hertfordshire 3 - 0 Lancashire 1974-75 Bromley Kent 3 - 0 Hertfordshire 1973-74 Watford Hertfordshire 2 - 0 Surrey 1972-73 Liverpool Surrey 1 - 0 Lancashire 1971-72 Devizes Wiltshire 4 - 2 Northumberland 1970-71 Wombourne Staffordshire 2 - 1 Lancashire 1969-70 Guildford Wiltshire 1 - 0 Surrey 1968-69 Skegness Lancashire 2 - 0 Lincolnshire 1967-68 St Albans Wiltshire 1 - 0 Hertfordshire 1966-67 Brooklands Wiltshire 2 - 0 Cheshire 1965-66 Devizes Cheshire 2 - 0 Wiltshire 1964-65 Beckenham Kent 2 - 0 Durham 1963-64 Kent House Kent 4 - 2 Staffordshire 1962-63 Norbury Surrey 4 - 1 Devonshire 1961-62 Edgbaston Durham 1 - 0 Warwickshire 1960-61 Brooklands Middlesex 2 - 1 Cheshire 1959-60 St. Albans Hertfordshire 2 - 1 Middlesex 1958-59 Cheltenham Middlesex 2 - 1 Gloucestershire 1957-58 Bournville Lincolnshire 3 - 0 Warwickshire Women's
Year Winners Runners-Up 2006-07 Cumbria Hertfordshire 2005-06 Hertfordshire Dorset 2004-05 Norfolk Gloucestershire 2003-04 Norfolk Lancashire 2002-03 Norfolk Humberside 2001/02 Surrey Norfolk 2000-01 Surrey Humberside 1999-00 Surrey Gloucestershire 1998-99 Surrey Herefordshire 1997-98 Dorset Surrey 1996-97 Gloucestershire Dorset 1995-96 Surrey Suffolk 1994-95 Suffolk Staffordshire 1993-94 Yorkshire Kent 1992-93 Lancashire Staffordshire 1991-92 Lancashire Warwickshire 1990-91 Lancashire Staffordshire 1989-90 Lancashire Kent 1988-89 Kent Avon 1987-88 Kent Staffordshire 1986-87 Staffordshire Lancashire 1985-86 Middlesex Leicestershire 1984-85 Lancashire Leicestershire 1983-84 Middlesex Leicestershire 1982-83 Leicestershire Gloucestershire 1981-82 Suffolk Leicestershire 1980-81 Staffordshire Hertfordshire 1979-80 Leicestershire/Suffolk 1978-79 Lancashire Surrey 1977-78 Hertfordshire Lancashire ^Won by golden goal
*Won after penalty strokes/shootout