- Governance
England Hockey Assessing Findings of Whyte Review

England Hockey and all other sporting governing bodies in the country have received the full version of the Whyte Review into mistreatment in the sport of gymnastics.
It is difficult to read and hear many of the accounts and we recognise and admire how challenging this must have been for those that gave evidence.
England Hockey will now review the report’s findings and recommendations. We will take time to understand how the review can improve what we do, and what sport can collectively do in its duty of care responsibilities, especially with regards to safeguarding and player welfare. We will work with the sport sector on the important steps we need to take.
We are committed to making hockey the safest environment it can be. We mandate that all hockey clubs in England have an appointed Welfare Officer, and we have robust reporting procedures in place.
Our key contact for reporting concerns within hockey is Ethics and Welfare Manager Alison Hogg on 01628 897500 / safeguarding@englandhockey.co.uk. If you would prefer, the NSPCC Helpline (free 24 hours) is 0808 800 5000.
If you would like any further information, the Safeguarding section of the England Hockey website contains all policies regarding safeguarding of young people, as well as details of reporting procedures, training resources and guidance around good practice.