- Community
LGBTQ+ History Month 2023

Throughout February we’ll be celebrating LGBT+ History Month and we'll be standing with the community. LGBT+ month is for everyone, regardless of your role, and we’ll show our ongoing commitment and encourage you to also be a visible ally by wearing Rainbow Laces or a rainbow armband to demonstrate commitment to LGBTQ+ inclusion.
LGBT+ History Month was founded in 2004 and celebrated from 2005. It was founded by Schools OUT co-chairs, Paul Patrick & Professor Emeritus Sue Sanders. Alongside Schools OUT Stonewall UK look to fight homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia in sport.
Statistics from 2021 show that there are over 1.5 million LGBTQ+ people living in England and Wales today; this was the first time in over 200 years LGBTQ+ people were officially counted as part of the Census.
2023 marks 20 years since Section 28, the law that banned the “promotion of homosexuality” in the UK, was revoked. Section 28 was believed to be an attack on LGBTQ+ visibility but 2023 represents progress, and even though parts of the LGBTQ+ community are still under attack, we remember to keep moving forward.