If you believe that a person, group of persons or a club or association has breached England Hockey’s Code of Conduct (that is not already covered by separate Anti-Doping, Safeguarding and Protecting Young People Regulations or by the issuing of a Red Card), then you can file a Misconduct Complaint. This can be done by filling out a Misconduct Complaint Form, which can be found in the document library on this page. The form can be used to report isolated incidents or a series of actions that may have brought hockey into disrepute. Once completed, the form will need to be sent to the Discipline inbox where it will be processed. If you are unsure of whether your complaint falls under a Misconduct, please consult the flow diagram below.

To submit a Misconduct Complaint you must be a Member or Participant as defined under the new England Hockey Disciplinary Regulations.
The Misconduct Complaint Form must be completed and sent to the Discipline inbox inbox within 14 days of the alleged offence taking place. If the complaint is regarding a series of actions, the date of the last action must have taken place within 14 days of the form being sent. Any forms received after this time will not be considered unless it is decided by England Hockey’s Complaints Panel that there are exceptional circumstances for late submission.
For more in-depth information about misconduct offences in hockey, please consult The England Hockey Disciplinary Regulations.
If you wish to appeal against a finding that you have committed a Misconduct Offence complaint, please use the appeal form found here.