Other Functional Questions around Officiating
Select a frequently asked question from below.
Frequently Asked Questions
As a member will I be able to take appointments from the new committee? As a level 1 umpire can I get “neutral” opportunities? As a neutral official what panel will I be assigned to? At what level will clubs appoint if the Area cannot fulfil the appointment? Can Level 1 Assessments be undertaken by clubs or by local “clusters”? Can team sheets be used to report performance at all levels? Does our club need to provide umpires into a neutral pool for next season? How will local delivery groups work with the Area Appointment Lead? I am a member of NPUA/TAP, do I have to become a member of an Area as well? I umpire at a neutral pool level will my club receive an umpire in return? I am registered with an Area, can I undertake appointments for another Area What do the changes mean for my annual fees and my insurance cover? What does the change mean for Umpires / Umpire Coaches / Umpire Assessors? What happens if people umpire levels that don't need accreditation? When will this all happen? When will we know the league structure and regulations? Who decides the levels where neutral appointments are required? Who will appoint me to matches and see my reports? Who would look after supplies of radios / clothing in this process? Will I still be able to get a hockey DBS from the new committee? Will the Umpire Development Pathway be reviewed to “fit” the new structure? Will we need new kit and when? Will the expansion of the National League give opportunities to progress? If I want to be involved in helping the Area, how do I go about doing this?