DBS Checks
Do Clubs have to carry out a DBS on people working with young people?
How can my club get registered on the online DBS system?
How do I send my certificate to England Hockey?
How will I know if England Hockey need to see my DBS certificate?
Must clubs/associations do DBS checks on people working with young people?
What is involved in the DBS process?
Why do I have to apply online?
Will I be notified when my DBS disclosure has been approved?
What happens while my disclosed information is being assessed?
What Is ‘Duty To Refer’?
Are DBS checks ‘portable’ within hockey?
Can I refuse to do a DBS check?
How can I get a DBS check?
What is the process if my role in my club/association requires a DBS check?
Who requires a DBS check within hockey?
Who will see the information on my DBS certificate?
What is the definition of a volunteer?
Who do I contact for further information?
Do England Hockey accept DBS checks completed through other organisations?
What is the cost of a DBS check in hockey?
What is the Single Disclosure Scheme?
When will I get my certificate back from England Hockey?
What is the Disclosure and Barring Service?
How can I get a DBS check?
Getting Involved
Are refreshments provided?
Do I need to be a hockey player to become a Hockey Maker?
Do we get travel and accommodation reimbursed?
I am interested in becoming a Team Lead. How do I do this?
I cannot access my Hockey Maker account. Can you help?
I’m new to volunteering, which role would be best for me?
I've volunteered at non-England Hockey events, is this experience valuable?
Are accessible roles available?
Is there a minimum or maximum age for Hockey Makers?
What communication channels do you use with Hockey Makers?
Do I get a choice about what role I do?
Do we get parking at venues?
Do you provide references for volunteers?
How much training and support can I expect?
What opportunities are currently available?
Can I share volunteering opportunities at my club with Hockey Makers?
How do I become a Hockey Maker?
How much time is expected from me for each event?
I’m not receiving the monthly Hockey Maker newsletter. Can you help?
Is kit provided?
Which events are supported by Hockey Makers?
Other Functional Questions around Officiating
At what level will clubs appoint if the Area cannot fulfil the appointment?
Can team sheets be used to report performance at all levels?
How will local delivery groups work with the Area Appointment Lead?
Who decides the levels where neutral appointments are required?
Will I still be able to get a hockey DBS from the new committee?
As a member will I be able to take appointments from the new committee?
Can Level 1 Assessments be undertaken by clubs or by local “clusters”?
When will we know the league structure and regulations?
Does our club need to provide umpires into a neutral pool for next season?
What does the change mean for Umpires / Umpire Coaches / Umpire Assessors?
When will this all happen?
Will the Umpire Development Pathway be reviewed to “fit” the new structure?
Will we need new kit and when?
As a level 1 umpire can I get “neutral” opportunities?
As a neutral official what panel will I be assigned to?
I am a member of NPUA/TAP, do I have to become a member of an Area as well?
I umpire at a neutral pool level will my club receive an umpire in return?
I am registered with an Area, can I undertake appointments for another Area
What do the changes mean for my annual fees and my insurance cover?
Who will appoint me to matches and see my reports?
What happens if people umpire levels that don't need accreditation?
Who would look after supplies of radios / clothing in this process?
Will the expansion of the National League give opportunities to progress?
If I want to be involved in helping the Area, how do I go about doing this?
Hockey Heroes
Can children with disabilities and/or special needs take part?
Does my child need to wear shin pads and a gum shield for Hockey Heroes?
Is the equipment safe?
My child is left-handed, do they need a specific stick?
What is Hockey Heroes?
What age does my child have to be to take part in Hockey Heroes?
What can my child and I expect at a Hockey Heroes session?
How can I find out which clubs are running Hockey Heroes sessions?
No sessions near where you live?
Participant Registration
Can England Hockey Pathway details be used for the GMS?
Has EH spoken to the ICO for advice?
How many emails will be sent from GMS? Or is it purely for registration?
How will the sign-up work / how to monitor the system for the season?
Do we have to allocate players to a team from the start of the season?
Will a player register for a particular team or does the club do that?
Will every individual club member/participant need to register separately?
Does the personal information ask for next of kin and medical issues?
How are juniors managed?
I’m sure you are considering GDPR issues?
What is the assumption for minimum age for player registration?
What online help / guidance will there be?
Why do individuals have to register why can't the club bulk download?
Will the system pick up when players turn 13 during the adult league system
What about people without internet / computer access?
What about players who don't want to enter all the information needed?
When can players register in GMS?
Will clubs request their own access?
Will the essential player data be part of the Registration process?
Can you confirm kit colour and hospitality etc?
Is a participant's email a key data item in the registration process?
Regarding GDPR, where will the data be stored? UK only?
Will GMS replace the other logins under EH - Club Spark, EH Affiliation?
Can multiple siblings use the same parents email address?
Does sign up apply to juniors and down to which age?
Should Club Admin be able to create a team?
Why was gender a mandatory field and requiring a binary choice?
Will everyone have access to all regional competition?
Will one log in work for all of my roles?
Will the Competition structure parameters and fixtures have been loaded?
EHO Membership
Can I choose to join or officiate in another Area?
Can I downgrade my membership?
Do I have to be a member of the EHO AND the Area Officiating Committee?
If I’m not a member of the EHO, am I covered by Insurance?
Will we still get Coaches and Assessors appointed to matches?
I was a member of a County HUA, what level of game will I be appointed to?
Will I be assigned automatically to an Area?
Will I still be appointed in the same way / receive the same communication?
Will my life membership and/or Vice presidency be recognised in any way?
Do I have to register on GMS twice, once as a player, once as an umpire?
How can I progress?
I am a member of the NPUA, do I need to become a member of the EHO?
Will there be a standard expense rates / remuneration across the country?
Can I upgrade my membership at any time?
How does the Member Subscription package and processes work?
I live in Wales, do I need to become a member of the EHO?
Which category of membership do I need for TAP appointments?
When is my annual subscription due?
Do I have to be insured by the EHO to umpire?
Who is responsible for the development of EHO Members?
Why is it more expensive than some County HUAs membership?
Will any new insurance cover be “like for like”?
Will I claim my expenses and be paid in the same way?
Will my fees go up each year to belong to the new EHO?
My club has EH Club Insurance. Do I need to have insurance to officiate?
Buying Kit
Can I contact someone about my order?
Can I get any discount for bulk orders?
Do you deliver overseas?
Can I return an item?
My goods are damaged who do I contact?
There is an error in my order who do I contact?
What are the delivery charges on the shop?
We don’t pay VAT, can this be removed from the England Hockey shop charges?
Can I get an invoice and pay via BACs in the England Hockey shop?
DBS Update Service
Can I put an England Hockey DBS certificate onto the DBS Update Service?
Can I use the DBS Update Service to port my DBS between hockey clubs?
What does it cost to be on the DBS Update Service?
What is the DBS Update Service?
Why do all status checks need to be completed through England Hockey?
Can I upload a certificate completed years ago onto the DBS Update Service?
Can my club/association Welfare Officer/DBS Verifier do my status check?
Do England Hockey accept certificates signed up to the DBS update service?
How do I sign up to the DBS Update Service?
Can I change the DBS certificate that I use on the DBS Update Service?
Can I see who has performed a status check on me?
How are the DBS Update Service and England Hockey portability different?
I want to join the DBS Update Service but I haven't got my DBS Certificate
Will my status check be viewable on EH's DBS System (First Advantage)?
Can I join the DBS Update Service directly from First Advantage?
How does England Hockey use the DBS Update Service?
How often does a status check need to be completed?
What is a status check?
What is the process for using the DBS Update Service with England Hockey?
Will I be informed if the information on my DBS Certificate is changed?
What if I refuse the use of my certificate on the DBS Update Service?
Can I upgrade from the Sessional Course to the Coach Course?
I am missing some of the pre-requisites, can I still attend a workshop?
I am an experienced coach, what can I access?
I have forgotten my username and password for Hockey Hub.
Is the Sessional Coach course the same as old Level 2 Coaching in Hockey?
The Reset Password option on Hockey Hub does not seem to work
What is the Advanced Coaches Programme (ACP) and how do I get a space?
How do I do my Level 1 in Coaching Hockey?
I can’t make all the dates can I still book onto a session?
What is the difference between the Coach Course and the Sessional Course?
How do I sign up to the FIH Level 3?
How to I get my Level 3 in hockey coaching?
Are there any discounts for bulk bookings on coaching courses?
Can a club request to host its own course?
Bookings for a coaching event have closed, can I still book on?
I am missing some of the pre-requisites, can I still attend a course?
My child is not the minimum age for doing a workshop, what can they access?
What are the pre-requisites for the Coach Course or the Sessional Course?
My child is not the minimum age for doing a course, what can they access?
My umpiring
Can my club or school book me on a course?
Booking a Place on an Umpiring Course/Event
How can I develop my umpiring?
How do I book a place on an umpiring course / workshop?
Where can I find information about umpiring within the “pool”?
Do I get a Certificate of Attendance?
Where can I find out more about umpiring opportunities?
Can I go on a Level 1 umpiring course if I do not meet the minimum age?
How do I become an Umpire?
How do I go about doing the next "level" qualification?
How can I start undertaking higher level appointments?
What types of game could I umpire?
Become a partner
Getting Started
Hockey in primary schools
Do I need special equipment to deliver hockey?
We do not have an AstroTurf pitch, will we be able to play hockey?
What is Quicksticks?
What is Hockey Heroes?
Can you recommend specific hockey primary schools?
What programmes are suitable for primary schools?
Is there training available to teachers?
How do I access Primary School lesson resources?
Time to listen
Do I need to renew my Time to Listen training?
Do I tell England Hockey if I do a multisport Time to Listen workshop?
How can I book onto a Time to Listen workshop?
What Is a Time to Listen workshop?
Where can I find where Time to Listen workshops are being held?
How do an England Hockey and a multisport Time to Listen workshop differ?
I can no longer attend my Time to Listen workshop. Can I get a refund?
How much does it cost to attend a Time to Listen workshop?
My Time to Listen workshop has been cancelled. Can I get a refund?
What resources will I receive at an England Hockey Time to Listen workshop?
Who needs to attend a Time to Listen workshop?
Do I need to bring anything to a Time to Listen workshop?
Must I complete any training before I attend a Time to Listen workshop?
First Aid & Injury Management
Relationships at Area Level
How are the Area Officiating Committees / any Local Delivery Groups funded?
How will people be elected to the Area Officiating Committees
Under what governance will the Area Officiating Committees operate?
What structure would the Area Officiating Committee have?
Who controls the spend of funds at an Area level?
Who has oversight of the monies kept by EHO?
How does NPUA and TAP fit into this framework?
What are the objectives of the Area Officiating Committee / what do they do
Supporting umpires
How do I become an Umpire Developer?
How do I go about supporting Umpires within my club?
How do I become an Umpire Assessor?
What tools are available for me to develop Umpires within my club?
How do I get my Level 2 in Umpiring?
How do I start on the Umpire Developer Pathway?
Organising An Umpire Assessment
Where do I find the Level 1 Umpiring Assessment Forms
Walking hockey
I am subject to a disrepute complaint, what is the process?
How do I report a Red Card or Matchday Misconduct Offence (MMO)?
How does the discipline system work at England Hockey?
I have been found to have committed a disrepute offence, can I appeal?
I have been issued a Red Card or MMO, what will happen to me?
Is there guidance about how clubs can hold internal disciplinary hearing?
What should I do if the Code of Ethics & Behaviour has been breached?
Why does my disrepute complaint have to be endorsed?
Does England Hockey have a Code of Ethics and Behaviour?
How do I refer a Disrepute Complaint?
I have submitted a disrepute complaint what is the process?
I received a Red card or MMO and am now suspended, can I still play hockey?
What do I do if I want to complain about someone’s behaviour in hockey?
What is the discipline process in hockey?
Can I appeal a Red Card or MMO?
Talent Strategy 2021
I would like to speak to someone about this, who should I contact?
Selecting on ‘future potential’, what does that really mean?
How are the selection processes going to evolve and improve?
Why was the new Talent System Developed?
How will the new system increase diversity in junior talent development?
England Hockey Officiating Club – (EHO)
Get Involved
Back to hockey
Calendar and Priorities
My child's been asked to play in clashing activities, what takes priority?
What is the Centralised Calendar?
Where are the fixtures and results for England Hockey competitions located?
Can we play or train on dates allocated as Priority for other activity?
Where can I find the current Centralised Calendar?
Walking Hockey
England Hockey League
Re. a player transfer/reg. The other team hasn't got the acceptance e-mail?
Can a player play for different Junior and Adult clubs?
Can a player play for two clubs in different leagues?
Postponement, Rearrangement Or Abandonment.
What is the deadline for a registration/transfer before the weekend’s game?
Re. a transfer/reg. The player hasn't received the approval e-mail?
Talent Centres
There is concern that the strategy may create super-clubs and lead to the migration of players to Talent Centre clubs and Talent Academies hosted by clubs. What guidance is in place to educate parents
What is the Talent Centre accreditation?
How does the Expression of Interest process work for Talent Centres?
The Talent System structure shows Junior County (Sub-Area) Hockey and Talent Centres all at Talent Foundations level. What are the relationships between these and how do these link to Talent Academies
What consideration has been given to the impact of the strategy on participation, smaller clubs or clubs that are not Talent Centre accredited?
What is a Talent Centre?
Umpiring administration
The Reset Password option on Hockey Hub does not seem to work.
Bookings for an umpiring event have closed, can I still book on?
Can I change the email I use for my Hockey Hub account?
Finding your Umpire Number.
I have forgotten my username and password for Hockey Hub.
Where can I buy any kit or equipment to allow me to umpire?
Getting started
Development Centres
What are the differences between a sand-based pitch and a 3G?
What colour can a hockey field be?
Are 3G surfaces suitable for hockey?
Can other sports be played on a hockey pitch?
What are the dimensions for an 11 a-side hockey pitch?
Are the dashed lines outside the circle lines still required?
Can I put other line marking on a hockey pitch?
Is it no longer possible to build a water-based pitch?
What is the best orientation for a hockey pitch?
Will high level hockey continue to use a water-based pitch?
Will it be possible to use water-based pitches after 2024?
The owners of the pitch are turning it into a 3G surface, what can we do?
What are the recommended sport lighting levels for hockey?
What height should the perimeter fencing be on a hockey pitch?
What is a Community Use Agreement?
Can England Hockey support with funding for a pitch?
How do I access funding for a new pitch or refurbishment?
Health and safety
What does it cost to become a coach member?
Where can I access my certificate of attendance for an event?
How do I cancel my coaching membership direct debit?
How can I check my Coach membership date or access my Insurance certificate
Where can I take out coach membership?
Do I need to take out coaching insurance?
My booking appears to not be showing the member price - what should I do?
What are the benefits of coach membership?
England Hockey Championships
What is a guest player?
How many guest players can we register to represent our team?
Can we postpone our match? What if it needs to be abandoned?
How are the England Hockey Champs administered and managed?
What are the qualifying age brackets for the Masters and Juniors Champs?
Who appoints umpires and what level of qualification do they have to be?
Can we rearrange our match to a different date?
Do we have to start our matches between 11am and 2.30pm?
Can a player play for more than one team from the same club Tiered Champs?
Can girls play in boys’ teams or boys play in girls’ teams?
What national competitions are available for my club side to enter?
What makes a great club
Useful Contacts
Where can I email a Purchase Order Number?
Who can I contact for a receipt of my payment for my business records?
Who can I contact for England Hockey bank details?
Who do I send a Purchase Ledger invoice to?
How can I get a copy of my remittance advice?
How do I find out the status of an outstanding invoice?
Where should I send a statement of England Hockey's account?
Who can I contact for a copy of a sales ledger invoice?
Who can I contact for a query to a competition entry invoice?
Who should I inform of a change of bank details?
Where can I email a remittance advice?
Who do I contact for a refund of a course booked online?
Officiating Management System (OMS)
Rules and Regulations
Rules and regulations
Safeguarding Young People
Lee Valley Hockey & Tennis Centre
Performance Centres
Safety Clothing & Equipment
What is the England Hockey policy on the wearing of face masks?
Do I have to wear a mouthguard and shin pads to play hockey?
Should coaches, clubs, Talent Centres and academies be providing face masks for penalty corners?
What is the England Hockey policy on jewellery?
What is the England Hockey policy on protective glasses?
Starting out
How do I become a Technical Official?
Do I get any initial training if I decide to become a Technical Official?
What support is there for me as a Technical Official?
Can I get involved without joining the National Competitions?
Do I need any specialised kit to support me being a Technical Official?
What does a Technical Official do?
What opportunities do I have to progress as a Technical Official?
Transgender Policy
Hockey heroes
Hockey in Universities
Engaging with Local community
Nottingham Hockey Centre
Player Pathway System
Talent Academy
Advertise a job
Hockey in secondary schools
Back to Hockey
Elite Development Programme
Information for Parents
Great Leadership
How to Find a Club
Indoor Hockey
Other Governance Questions
What happens to the current HUAs and the way they operate for the next year
What will happen to existing County / Regional HUAs?
What will happen to money currently within County HUAs?
When does the governance for County HUAs end and the Area’s start?
Who is accountable for “driving” Officiating forward?
With the way Areas are set up what prevents them doing their own thing?
What are the plans with existing HUAs at both Region and County Level?
Who is responsible for communicating with who?
Who is responsible for the creation of the National Officiating Strategy?