- Community
'Why I've Signed Up For Our Next ED&I Conference'

England Hockey hosts its second Equality, Diversity & Inclusion conference on Tuesday 22 February.
England and Great Britain international Tess Howard has signed up of her own volition, and is keen to assess the sport’s current position, as well as seeing hockey evolve.
She said, “For hockey to grow into a sport we are all proud of in every aspect, we have to create opportunities to address every aspect.
“We have to reflect on where we are, where we need to be and how we can get there. Without personal, community and sport self-reflection, without continual commitment to change, there can be no progress.
“The Change Starts Together conferences connect us as a hockey community and allow for the honest reflection needed in our sport, but it’s also about the excitement of what this change can bring.
“I’m excited by this programme, by the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion initiatives being set up and I’m looking forward to seeing – and hopefully being part of – the continual evolution of hockey as a more inclusive, diverse and equal sport.”
Since the first conference in November, England Hockey have been working to produce an Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Action Plan to drive change in the sport. This conference is your opportunity to hear from members of the newly formed Advisory Group who will be sharing the four main aims of the plan and discussing the next steps to moving forwards and creating change. Have you considered how your club can support with this?
February is LGBTQ+ history month and therefore during the conference we will spend time celebrating the LGBTQ+ community and exploring ways to ensure all clubs are truly inclusive and welcoming. Have you considered any barriers that may prevent people joining and feeling welcome at your club?
Sign up to the conference here – closing date for sign up is Monday 21 February, the link to join will be sent on the morning of the conference.
The conference takes place from 17:30 – 19:00 on Tuesday 22 Feb, and is being held online.